"For me, the most important lesson
[of the Freedom Movement] is that by respecting the fact that fellow activists could passionately disagree over strategy and tactics—yet remain allies—they strengthened SNCC and the Movement as a whole."
From Bruce Hartford's article in Urban Habitat.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Move On in SF March 15 - stop foreclosures parties

Dear MoveOn member,

President Obama could help twelve million homeowners struggling to pay their mortgage.1

But the president needs to hear directly from us.

Here's the story: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac hold 60% of mortgages—but the agency that oversees them is run by Bush appointee Ed DeMarco who refuses to allow underwater homeowners to adjust their mortgages to reflect the true value of their home.2

Homeowners are struggling to make ends meet. And helping them not only means saving their homes, it will also stabilize the market and help get the economy back on track for everyone.

President Obama has the power to replace DeMarco and make sure Fannie and Freddie provide relief to the millions of Americans struggling with mortgage debt.

That's why on Thursday, March 15—the same day the Senate banking committee meets in D.C. to discuss the fate of homeowners—we're organizing big rallies at Obama for America campaign offices around the country
. We'll tell the president: We're sinking in underwater mortgages—throw the 99% a lifeline to keep us in our homes. In communities without OFA offices, we'll rally in front of Wall Street bank branches and homes threatened by foreclosure to let the public and the media know that the 99% is standing up to save our homes.

Will you host a Save Our Homes rally on Thursday, March 15?

Yes, I can organize an even
Hosting an event is powerful and easy. Once you sign up, you'll get the petitions from MoveOn members and all the materials you'll need for a successful event.

Thanks for all you do.

–Elena, Laura, Sarah, Amy, and the rest of the team
1. "Co-Chairs Grijalva, Ellison Call for Justice for Underwater Mortgage Holders," Congressional Progressive Caucus, February 29, 2012
2. "Edward DeMarco: The Ideologue Who's Holding Homeowners—and the Economy—Hostage," The Huffington Post, February 14, 2012
3. "People Power vs Banker Power: Score One for the People," Nation of Change, January 25, 2012
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