"For me, the most important lesson
[of the Freedom Movement] is that by respecting the fact that fellow activists could passionately disagree over strategy and tactics—yet remain allies—they strengthened SNCC and the Movement as a whole."
From Bruce Hartford's article in Urban Habitat.

Monday, February 6, 2012

March 1-5: March to and Occupation of Sacramento to protest education cuts

The National Call
We call on all students, teachers, workers, and parents from all levels of education —pre-K-12 through higher education in public and private institutions— and all Occupy assemblies, labor unions, and organizations of oppressed communities, to mobilize on March 1st, 2012 across the country to tell those in power: The resources exist for high-quality education for all. If we make the rich and the corporations pay we can reverse the budget cuts, tuition hikes, and attacks on job security, and fully fund public education and social services.
Occupy Northern California
The northern California Occupy Education coalition is planning a multi-day march in defense of education. The march will start off at UC Berkeley as part of the March 1st national day of action and will culminate in Sacramento on March 5th, when thousands of students, workers, and teachers from around the state will converge on the capitol and demand universal, free public education in California. On the 5th, people who choose to do so will begin occupying the capitol building. If you are interested in joining the march to Sacramento, please fill out this form so that those organizing the march can be sure to acquire the necessary resources and to prepare for the number of people who will be marching.
Members of the Outreach Workgroup of Occupy Education Northern California hope teachers and students will spend time during the weeks preceding March 1 teaching and learning about the problems facing teachers and students, and planning classroom and school-wide activities for March 1. We also hope you will follow the progress of the march to Sacramento and the convergence of activists in Sacramento on March 5. 

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