"For me, the most important lesson
[of the Freedom Movement] is that by respecting the fact that fellow activists could passionately disagree over strategy and tactics—yet remain allies—they strengthened SNCC and the Movement as a whole."
From Bruce Hartford's article in Urban Habitat.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sit-In at City College! And so it begins?

 From: Save CCSF <>
Date: Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:13 PM
......nearly fifty participants have held the space in the [Ocean Campus] admin building for a solid seven and a half hours, and will be holding the building until the morning!
If people want to stop by for the night or just show their support and share their story about city college, feel free to come to the administration building, Conlan Hall, at the Ocean Campus.
Students Demand that Chancellor Thelma Scott-Skillman:
  1. Call on the Board of Trustees to reverse all cuts to classes, services, staff and faculty. Stop downsizing the mission of CCSF and promote equity.
  2. Organize town hall forums at all campuses so that students can have their voices heard. 
  3. Make a public statement calling for Prop A funds to be used for education as voters intended. Call on City Hall to give CCSF a bridge loan until Prop A and Prop 30 funds become available. 
  4. Speak out against CCSF being put on “Show Cause” without prior sanction. Call on the Department of Education to take action to stop the ACCJC’s misuse of the accreditation process
Invite your friends to the event:
Contact us at if you would like to get involved in the movement! - #saveccsfnow -

Thursday, February 21, 2013
The chancellor's office says she will not meet protesters. We spoke with one of them a few minutes ago who told us they're deciding how long to stay in Conlan Hall.
(Copyright ©2013 KGO-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)

1 comment:

Kathy Emery said...

Rally again Monday 12:30 pm Ram Plaza.

From Bob of Occupy

at 5:30 A.M. from the "Student Dormitory" downstairs from the Chancellor's office at Conlan Hall.

The Students informed me that their internet connections were cut off last night....Students were looking tired but in good spirits. Wendy Kaufmyn was there and looks dynamite before the sun comes up. Students very much respected her for holding out with them.

There's a little bit of ambiguity about whether the Coalition had one of their four demands conceded to. That would be the one about having open Townhall forums at all campuses to discuss the issues related to what is happening to CCSF.

Several news trucks were there. Video interviews were plentiful.

Students should be there for those arriving this morning to answer your questions and explain their next steps, the main one being to firm up an appointment with the Queen of Mean, Scott-Skillman. Sorry, couldn't resist. It's the advantage of being a rogue reporter.

Rally again being set up for Monday, 12:30, Ram Plaza. Love is always more beautiful the second time around, so come and share the Love the Coalition exhibited in taking over and occupying the Chancellor's office.