"For me, the most important lesson
[of the Freedom Movement] is that by respecting the fact that fellow activists could passionately disagree over strategy and tactics—yet remain allies—they strengthened SNCC and the Movement as a whole."
From Bruce Hartford's article in Urban Habitat.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

black history celebration

big day yesterday:

spoke with about 15 retired CTA teachers in Alameda in the morning. they were very fired up about fighting high stakes testing and interested in the SF Freedom Schools. Handed out a bunch of flyers. One participant asked if SFFS was a "west coast Highlander?" -- I was delighted that he made the connection!! That would be something, if we could become even a shadow of what Highlander once was.

sherri and I met with Dedria from APRI in the afternoon and plotted out the agenda for this saturday's black history celebration at the alice griffith opportunity center (2525 Griffith STreet). SFFS is responsible for showing a film from 11-12:30 (either something about the history of HIP HOP or the barbara johns's story)-- then there will be a skit, speeches, awards, poetry and PARTY at 2 PM -- food, DJ, and a jumper for kids. SFFS folks are all invited to attend. Dedria wants us to show films for her group at least once a month.

Had a terrific meeting in the evening to plot our first house party. have come up with a template for others. will send that out to all of those willing to do house parties to raise money for SFFS -- if we have enough house parties, maybe we can become a west coast highlander!!!

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